Stay Positive:Encouraging Quotes and Messages to Fuel Your Life with Positive Energy


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Build positivity in yourself and those around you--inspirational quotes and encouraging messages to live by from bestselling author, Jon Gordon. Stay Positive is more than a book of positive quotes. This book is a resource--one you can turn to each day to help you improve your career, your relationships, and your life. The power of positive thoughts is not about being fake or Pollyanna Positive; its the real stuff that makes a proven difference in our perspective and our lives. By cultivating positive thoughts, we can overcome challenges, neutralize negativity, and conquer adversity. To truly embrace positivity, and reap all of its immeasurable benefits, we must look within ourselves. Everything starts there. Pessimists dont change the world. Throughout history, we see that its the optimists, the believers, the dreamers, the doers, and the positive leaders who change the world.The more positivity we develop on the inside, the stronger and more resilient we become on the outside. Positivity is like any other muscle: it can either be strengthened through conscious effort, or it can atrophy from neglect. No one understands this better than Jon Gordon. Author of seven bestsellers, Gordon has inspired millions of people around the world to have the belief, resilience, positivity, and optimism to overcome challenges. In this engaging book, Gordon and his coauthor Daniel Decker share powerful insights on the things that make a proven difference in our perspectives and our lives. Stay Positive will help you: Build positivity within yourself Share your positivity with those around you Harness the power of resilience in all aspects of your life Find daily inspiration in all you do The simple and powerful messages of encouragement in Stay Positive make this book a must-read for anyone wanting to inject a healthy dose of positivity into their life.
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