Charity Case:How the Nonprofit Community Can Stand Up for Itself and Really Change the World



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Virtually everything our society has been taught about charity is backwards. Nowhere are these pervasive misconceptions clearer than in conversations about how charities spend money. Donors have been misled to believe that they should?avoid giving money to organizations that 爏pend on overhead--but no one reminds them that effective organizations cannot confront challenges without investing in staff and resources. The media unwittingly perpetuates the view that social sector executives should be condemned for high salaries by ignoring 燾ounterarguments that point out visionary leaders are worth competitive compensation precisely because their expertise generates exponential value for worthy causes. Without a way to fight back against these and other misguided attitudes, the social sector has remained silent and defenseless--and unable to move the needle to solve the great social challenges we face. Dan Pallottas groundbreaking first book, Uncharitable, exposed the unfair rules and perceptions society imposes on charities. Now, in Charity Case, Pallotta presents a visionary blueprint for a leadership movement that will fight back against these double standards. The goal of this movement is to educate the public about how charities really work and rehabilitate the public perception of the social sector, so that we can overcome our obsession with overhead and achieve lasting impact for the most critical causes. How can we do this? By forming what Pallotta calls a Charity Defense Council," whose mission is built on five essential pillars: Establishing a network of local and regional support and organizing groups to build the movement; Rebutting unfair attacks against nonprofits and educating the media; Creating ongoing public awareness advertising campaigns to de-bunk myths about overhead and waste to educate the public about the need to measure impact instead of overhead; Supporting a Civil Rights Act for Charity, that would change the tax code to foster entrepreneurship; Crafting a legal strategy that would challenge unconstitutional regulations that constraint nonprofits. Grounded in Pallottas clear vision and deep social sector experience, Charity Case is a passionate wake-up call for all of us--whether we work in the philanthropic sector, contribute time or money to critical causes, or simply believe in the urgent need for more progress on social challenges--to help fix the culture that thwarts our charities ability to make change happen.Join the movement.
Harvard Library
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