Reminiscences of A Stock Operator, Annotated Edition:With New Commentary and Insights On the Life and Times of Jesse Livermore

股票操盘手回忆录 注释版


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Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is the fictionalized biography of Jesse Livermore, perhaps the most famous financial speculator of all time. The book has endured over 70 years because traders and investors continue to find lessons from Livermores experiences that they can apply to their own trading. The book recounts Livermores rise from a young clerk in a brokers office to the worlds largest speculator. Livermores experiences and his growth as a trader provide enormous insights into the intellectual and psychological challenges of  successful trading. This annotated edition bridges the gap between Edwin Lefevres fictionalized account of Livermores life and the actual, historical events, places, and people that populate the book. Each chapter will begin with an historical scene setter, which explains the historical environment Livermore operated in for that particular chapter. Throughout the chapter will be notes that detail actual companies, people, or situations that Livermore encounters, but often are obscured by Lefevres fictionalized treatment. For example, bucket shops play an important role in Livermores early development as a trader. Markman will describe how these long-gone relics of the investment world worked and explain that they largely were run by organized crime. At another juncture in the book, Livermore receives a $500 loan from the heard of his brokerage firm. The firm was actually E.F. Hutton and the owner who gave him the loan was Ed Hutton. One of the reasons that Reminiscences has endured for 70 years is that traders/investors can see and understand their own development as a trader through the prism of Livermores evolution. The annotations would describe the variety of trading approaches Livermore used throughout his live from his early days of seeing mathematical patterns in prices to his later days of anticipating events, as opposed to reacting to price changes. In addition, the annotations will analyze Livermores psychological development as a trader and the lessons Livermore gained through hard experiences. These annotations will assist readers in applying the strategies and lessons from the book to their own trading. In addition, the annotated edition will include commentary and insights on the enduring value of the book from todays leading investors and traders.
Harvard Library
Princeton University Library
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