GIS Cartography:A Guide to Effective Map Design, Third Edition



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234x156 mm
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3rd ed.
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Since the publication of the bestselling second edition five years ago, vast and new globally relevant geographic datasets have become available to the cartography practitioner and with this has come the need for new ways to visualize them in maps as well as new challenges in ethically disseminating the visualizations. With new features and significant updates that address these changes, this edition remains faithful to the original vision that cartography instruction should be software agnostic. Discussing map design theory and technique rather than map design tools, this book focuses on digital cartography and its best practices. The third edition has completely new sections on how to deal with maps that go viral and the ethics therein, new presentation techniques, new features such as amenities, climate data, and hazards, the new Equal Earth projection, and vector tile design considerations. All chapters are thoroughly updated with new illustrations and new sections for datasets that didn’t exist when the 2nd edition was published, as well as new techniques and trends in cartography. New in the Third Edition: A true textbook, written with a friendly style and excellent examples to explain difficult issues in map projection Thoroughly updated with new features such as amenities, climate data, hazards, the new Equal Earth projection, and vector tile design considerations Includes new map examples to display the latest techniques in cartography and new study questions and labs at the end of each chapter Reflects on new developments in color palettes and projections that weren’t available for the second edition Defines and illustrates new terms that have made their way into the profession over the last few years such as elastic maps, agent maps, viridus palettes, bivariate choropleths, firefly cartography, Tanaka, and value-by-a
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