Returning to Nursing Practice



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13.97 x 21.59 cm.
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库存 30 本
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This book is a guide for nurses who wish to come back to the profession after a break in practice. It offers step-by-step advice and support from the decision point to return, through to taking up a new nursing post. The process is seen as a journey with each chapter addressing key milestones along the way. There is recognition of both the apprehension and excitement many nurses feel at the prospect of returning to practice, and guidance as to what to expect and how to prepare. The main course route to nurse re-registration is discussed; whilst acknowledging that courses may differ slightly from one university to another, greater emphasis will be placed on what they have in common. Areas such as re-building confidence in practice, updating study skills and acclimatizing to contemporary and ever-changing healthcare environments are central to all Return to Practice (RTP) courses. Every returning nurse comes with a unique set of skills and experience, and individual personal circumstances, so the book encourages students to be self-aware and be able to self-assess: for some this may involve organizing additional support and childcare, for others it may be about getting to grips with technology and new ways of working. The experience of being a student in a practice placement is explored with links to knowledge and skills resources. Two substantial chapters of the book aim to re-familiarise the returning nurse with contemporary healthcare and practitioner roles. They outline key aspects of community and acute care settings, and provide summary updates in areas such as professional team working, clinical judgement and management. The relationship between student and practice assessor / supervisor is clarified, and the nature of practice assessments explained. The second of these two chapters comes later in the book and looks ahead to re-registered practice and returning to the nursing workforce as a staff nurse. Returning to practice often also means returning to study. In an additional chapter there is advice about re-engaging with academic writing and building on existing study skills. Two further chapters focus on reflective practice and sustaining well-being, and aim to provide the returning nurse (and possibly a wider readership) with, firstly, some new understandings about reflection and ongoing professional development and, secondly, helpful tips to support a good work-life balance. A clear and straightforward writing style has been adopted which aims to be both practical and informative accompanied by illustrations, diagrams and tables. Intended as a handbook, the text can be read through sequentially or chapters can be dipped into as required. The ordering of chapters and general approach are designed as an accompaniment to returning to practice, aligning support and advice at key times such as course midpoints, the intensity and pace of completing practice placements and submission deadlines. Contributions from previous students in the form of insights, sample accounts and words of wisdom will help to ground the text and offer encouragement and inspiration.  Finally, and perhaps most importantly of all, the value of peer support is affirmed and championed. Returning to nursing brings both challenges and rewards; for many, one of the greatest joys is reconnecting with nursing colleagues who often go on to become firm friends. There is a need for a text which supports the returning nurse. Our book aims to offer advice and information, using a broad approach which reassures, enthuses and is realistic about the entire process of returning to nursing.
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