Work Here Now



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15.24 x 22.86 cm.
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库存 30 本
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Work sucks. And until recently, companies have mostly been able to ignore this fact. Who cares if Accounting is bored, Marketing is despondent, and folks in Shipping keep getting sent home with contusions? It?s all in a day?s work, right? Wrong. We?re facing massive global labor shortages. Economists are declaring that the Great Resignation is causing ?structural changes? to the workforce. And in an age of breathtaking technological progress, actual improvements in productivity have been in the low single digits for decades. We have to do something different. And that something different might be?making work suck just a little bit less. We?ve experimented over the years with everything from the gig economy to those ubiquitous foosball tables. But an array of sacred cows remain remarkably intact ? barring the door to progress while they stare at us coldly, crossing their little hooves. You Wouldn?t Run a Machine This Way: Reshaping Work So It Doesn?t Kill Us All takes on the challenge of starting to rethink how we work, from the unique perspective of both the organization and the worker. The book takes its title from a simple insight: we would never run a machine at such a pace, duration, and rhythm such that it broke all of the time?so why do we do exact that to our human workers? The reality is, this model doesn?t work for anyone. Organizations have dumped millions into consulting from folks like myself, with incremental results; workers have raged from picket lines to Reddit with stop-and-start progress at best. By assuming the interests of these two groups are not at cross purposes ? and being willing to aim the analytical laser in some unexpected places ? You Wouldn?t Run a Machine This Way provides a roadmap to better work that generates wins for organizations and employees alike. You Wouldn?t Run a Machine This Way explores an array of ways we?ve made work downright inhuman - in a way that, ironically, actually stifles the growth and profitability of organizations. Foundational practices we take for granted ? for instance, trying to improve the performance of the individual human being - actually produce worse results than doing nothing at all. And, similar to the old joke about teaching a pig to dance being both a waste of your time and an annoyance for the pig, these efforts both waste corporate money and time and ? critically - drive human workers to exhaustion, burnout, and even death. To build a better model of work, You Wouldn?t Run a Machine This Way argues, we have to look in some unexpected places. Your people strategy? It?s being built by geopolitics and local jurisprudence, not your HR team; immigration, migration, and incarceration have a seismic impact on workforces that companies serially underestimate. The game-changing technology that?s going to take your business to new heights? It often stinks, and more important than your implementation plan is having a strategy for what your people are going to do all the times the tech just doesn?t work. Speaking of not working, the book delves into why centuries of work re-invention haven?t stuck, due to forces like Animal Farm Syndrome?where you become the very manager you once loathed. You Wouldn?t Run a Machine This Way explores insidious forces such as Greedy Work, where the stealthy expansion of working hours has short-circuited the gains that should have accrued to workers and organizations alike from a more gender-diverse workforce. The book also examines how organizations can stop leaning on leaders to suddenly adopt a range of futuristic behaviors ? by organizing themselves to simply need less management. In You Wouldn?t Run a Machine This Way, practicality and pragmatism take precedence over hackneyed idealism and robotic management-by-spreadsheet. Readers are equipped with a list of 3 things to do more of, and 3 things to do less of, if you really want to change work ? providing that much-needed small first step on a larger transformation journey. They?re also given a basic framework to help make people-centered decisions, driving a sustainable, day-to-day way of making progress. Finally, You Wouldn?t Run a Machine This Way paints a picture of a future of work that might actually be feasible and achievable ? a North Star organizations can truly use to steer their ships. This book is designed to be useful to leaders in ?big? and ?small? jobs alike, across an array of organizations of any size and complexity. Each chapter contains practical suggestions as well as decision frameworks at macro and micro level ? actions that can be taken across an organization/a division/a geography/etc., and actions that can be taken within a working team, or even for yourself. It will feature an array of stories from real organizations that have worked through these problems, showcasing the perspectives of CEOs and Boards all the way down to frontline workers.
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